Jakob Lorber

1800 – 1864


                    Works of Lorber

  • Household of God; 3 vol.
  • The Childhood of Jesus
  • The Three Days-Scene in the Temple
  • The Great Gospel of John; 10 vol. (vol. 11 received by Leopold Engel)
  • Scripture Explanations
  • Bishop Martin (Sunsets into Sunrises)
  • Robert Blum (Hell to Heaven); 2 vol.
  • Beyond the Threshold
  • The Spiritual Sun; 2 vol.
  • The Natural Sun
  • The Moon
  • The Earth
  • Saturn
  • The Fly
  • The Grossglockner – Gospel of the Mountains
  • Gifts from Heaven; 3 vol.                      
  • The Great Times (Pathiel – Redemption)
  • The Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Church in Laodicea 
  • The Correspondence Between Jesus and King Abgarus
  • 7 Words on the Cross
  • The Twelve Hours
  • The Psalms 


Jakob Lorber was born in the village of Kanischa, Austria in 1800. When he was nine years old, the township teacher taught him the art of music and the skill of playing violin, piano, and organ. In 1817, he began to prepare for the teaching profession, and from 1824 to about 1830, he successfully functioned as composer, musician, and music teacher.


In his fortieth year, he was still without a permanent position, when he received an offer for the position of assistant bandmaster at a theater in Trieste, Italy. Having accepted this offer and preparing to leave Austria, a wholly unexpected turn in his life came about. At 6 o’clock in the morning on March 15, 1840, a voice spoke very clearly in his heart: “Jakob, get up, take your pencil, and write”. Quickly he got ready for this mysterious call. The call he received that day was to give a new direction to his life. When he had written down all he had heard with his Inner Ear, it became clear to him that he had been given a most extraordinary mission from the world beyond.


God often reveals Himself before approaching great changes. For this purpose he chooses suitable persons through whom he is able to communicate messages to the rest of humanity. Such was the mission of Jakob Lorber who was called to be “God’s Scribe”. At a time of great advances in science and technology, these advances bring enormous problems in a materialistic age with few spiritual impulses to guide humanity. Jakob Lorber, like many previous genuine prophets, was chosen to warn humanity to desist from following its destructive course.


From 1840, he would spend several hours each day writing down what the Voice dictated. The pile of manuscripts grew and grew over the next twenty-four years. When the work was published after his death, it amounted to more than 10,000 printed pages. The extensive manuscripts left by Lorber show no corrections or revisions. There was no need for these, for what he wrote was not the product of his own mind. Anyone reading his writings concerning atoms and elementary particles, or paleontological details relating to early and prehistoric man, could not possibly think that all this was the product of his own brain. No one was able in those days to make anything like the amazingly accurate statements concerning scientific details that modern science only established during the 1950s and ’60s. In Lorber’s time, the concepts put forward in the work relating to atoms, elementary particles, etc., were still totally unknown to science. The manuscripts of all Lorber’s writings that are now in print, collectively referred to as the New Revelation and are held by the Lorber Verlag publishing house in Germany.


E.F. Schumacher describes the writings of Lorber in A Guide to the Perplexed:

“The centerpiece of Lorber’s writings is the New St. Johns Gospel in ten large volumes. I shall not attempt here to describe or in any way characterize these works, all written in the first person singular ‘I, Jesus Christ, am speaking.’ They contain many strange things which are unacceptable to the modern mentality, but at the same time such a plethora of high wisdom and insight that it would be difficult to find anything more impressive in the whole world of literature. At the same time, Lorber’s books are full of statements on scientific matters which flatly contradict the sciences of his time and anticipate a great deal of modern physics and astronomy. No one has ever raised the slightest doubt that the Lorber manuscripts came into existence during the years 1840-1864 and were produced by Jakob Lorber alone. There is no rational explanation for the range, profundity, and precision of their contents. Lorber himself always assured, and evidently convinced his friends that none of it flowed from his own mind and no one was more astonished at these contents than he himself.”