Mayerhofer Book Descriptions & PDFs


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Secrets of Creation

In this book the Lord explains in detail how to discern the work and nature of God and how to grow spiritually by contemplating these teachings. The gospel of nature and the mission of man on Earth is revealed to us in a spiritual sense that goes far beyond  human knowledge. Topics covered include the material and spiritual essence of magnetism, electricity, light, air, water, earth and fire as well as the very essence of God. Information is given about the Micro-Cosmos,  Macro-Cosmos, and the structure of the universe, as well as a spiritual view of the nebulae, Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades.


Secrets of Life

This book addresses deep questions and concepts of life which are explained and illuminated in a spiritual sense. A wide range of topics are covered including: Light, Life, Love / Health, Illness, Death / Language, Art, Music / Body, Soul, Spirit / Heaven, Hell, Earth. In these simple passages, there are pearls of wisdom and love to be found.


The Lord’s Sermons

This volume contains one sermon for every Sunday in the traditional church year. All 53 sermons deal with important Biblical texts and present  deep moral lessons and teachings concerning the Lord’s First and Second Coming. These divine explanations by our creator and heavenly Father are full of deep, spiritual meaning which provide an excellent introduction to the New Revelation. In the epilogue our Lord says: “These sermons shall resemble steps which teach you to become gradually more acquainted with Me, My works and yourselves, thereby broadening your perception. Eons of time would not suffice to explain everything My two Love-commandments contain.”